El ser bilingüe is my SuperPOWER!

It’s April National Bilingual Month, Did you know?  

  • There are more than 6500 languages spoken around el mundo 

  • Out of 195 countries, 55 of them have more than one official language 

That means more than a quarter of the countries have the bilingual superpower in the fabric of their education system.  In fact, it is perfectly normal for these superhumans who speak a 2nd and 3rd language to switch languages simply in conversation as part of normal, everyday life. 


Yo soy, Jacquelyn León. I am the fundadora of Locally Made, Globally Grown. We recognize el poder language has in influencing how we build relationships. I am privileged to speak Español, Português, and English. I have traveled to more than 30 countries.  Speaking multiple languages connects me with the local community. My languages creates bridges to increase our understanding and interactions between one another, and thereby minimize assumptions and misunderstandings. Let’s think about it, my bilingual superpower allows me to speak to a lot of people - over 2 billion people, in fact!

…Over 2 billion people, in fact!

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In New Jersey (N.J.), and around the United States, students who are in the process of learning academic English as a 2nd or 3rd or more language, in addition to their home language is the fastest growing population of K-12 learners. 

What does this mean? 

It means N.J. has a unique opportunity to build students’ 21st century global literacy skills. Education that values heritage languages as an asset promotes “a positive disposition and understanding of cultural differences that enhance cross-cultural communication” (N.J. World Language Standard). 

In New Jersey (N.J.), and around the United States, students who are in the process of learning academic English as a 2nd or 3rd or more language, in addition to their home language is the fastest growing population of K-12 learners.

It also means N.J. schools must recognize the nearly 100,000 students who are enrolled in language service programs as more than just students on their way to English proficiency.  Instead, N.J. schools (and the State Department) must put in place policies and programs that foster maintenance and growth of a student’s home language as they bridge to English. 

All the research shows, speaking more than one language is good for your body & soul, creates opportunities for más dinero, and expands our minds to new perspectives – Win! Win! Win! 

To celebrate, National Bilingual Month, ask someone from a different culture to teach you the story of their name. 

Book Available: Yo Soy, I am – El Cuento Sobre Mi Nombre/The Story of My Name